【氣息 – 谷保玲奈個展|Breath – Reina TANIHO Solo Exhibition】

2024 年 12 月 19 日




展期:2024 年12月28日(星期六)至2025年1月24日(星期五)







Neptune Gallery is honored to present the first solo exhibition in Taiwan by Reina TANIHO, the recipient of the 8th Tetsuo Kuwayama Memorial – Nikkei Nihonga Award, at the end of the Year of Jiachen. The exhibition showcases Taniho’s innovative approach to Nihonga, breaking traditional boundaries with her themes and techniques. Using delicate papers or silk as her canvas, the artist layers and blends vibrant, powerful colors in a way that highlights the vitality and complexity of her compositions. Her works are infused with rich emotions, responding to the artist’s personal journey through the beauty of life.

Reina Taniho’s artistic inspiration began with nature. Growing up in the Dominican Republic, surrounded by the Caribbean Sea, and later in Bolivia, she was exposed to a rich environment of tropical plants such as bougainvillea and pomegranate trees. This environment became a source of creative nourishment for her, influencing her use of warm colors like red, vermilion, and orange, as well as cool tones such as blue and ultramarine. These colors, along with the unique subjects rarely seen in Nihonga, have come to define her distinct personal style.

The theme of the exhibition, “Breath,” reflects Taniho’s belief that creation, like breathing, is a natural act of life. Her works were shaped by experiences such as the isolation during the pandemic, the joy of pregnancy and childbirth, and the emotional reflection on the passing of her pet. While her artistic process may appear chaotic at times, it is imbued with a sense of harmony, capturing the breath of life in all its complexity. Through her vibrant, blended brushstrokes, she invites viewers to resonate with the profound connection between life and art.

Artist’s Statement:
The things I encounter by chance always make me want to capture that ultimate “breath” that I can sense.
Breath is everywhere, pervading everything around us.
When I resonate with it, I feel the desire to depict or leave behind the emotions or personal aesthetics it evokes. These are influenced by my state at the time. The result of this mutual interaction gives birth to my works.
For me, painting is a way of reaffirming the natural connections and influences between all things.

氣息 – 谷保玲奈個展|Breath – Reina TANIHO Solo Exhibition
❒ 展期 Period | 2024.12.28 (SAT.) – 2025.1.24 (FRI.)
❒ 開幕 Opening Reception | 2024.1.4 (SAT.) 4:00 pm.
❒ 地點 Venue | 涅普頓畫廊 1-2F(台北市中山區堤頂大道二段340號)

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