【遷徙】 涅普頓畫廊×至峰堂畫廊聯展
【Migration】 Neptune Gallery × Shihodo Gallery Group Exhibition
2023 年 12 月 20 日
Exhibition, 繪畫, 雕塑
側寫《遷徙 Migration》至峰堂画廊×涅普頓畫廊群展_展覽專文下載
涅普頓畫廊很榮幸將於2023年歲末,與日本至峰堂畫廊(Shihodo Gallery)合作,在涅普頓畫廊1F&2F舉辦《遷徙》台日藝術家聯展。至峰堂畫廊精選六名代理藝術家,從日本畫、油彩、陶瓷、複合媒材到當代圖像,個執不同的屬性也跨越迥異的理念,共譜出獨特的風格。呼應至峰堂藝術家的特色,涅普頓則精選了七名分別以油彩、複合媒材、日本畫和木雕為媒介的藝術家,旨在激盪出雙方不同的刺激與碰撞。以視覺作為交流對話的開端,展覽成為了形塑後的三維成品,聯展計畫為深入研究的視野與觀點,邀請獨立策展人方彥翔擔當學術研究及論述,並將於2024年1月6日下午三點舉辦開幕暨座談主持,且至峰堂畫廊社長鈴木庸平與涅普頓畫廊創辦人胡閔堯,將連袂出席,共同討論在此次合作中,期盼建構出臺日當代藝術家的展望藍圖。展覽日期為2023年12月30日至2024年 2月18日,我們誠摯邀請您的蒞臨。
Exhibition Feature Article Download
Neptune Gallery is honored to announce its collaboration with the Shihodo Gallery from Japan at the end of 2023. Together, they will present the “Migration” joint exhibition featuring Taiwanese and Japanese artists on the 1st and 2nd floors of the Neptune Gallery. Shihodo Gallery has carefully selected six represented artists, spanning various mediums such as Japanese painting, oil painting, ceramics, mixed media, and contemporary imagery, each with distinct attributes and diverse concepts, collectively forming a unique style.
In response to the distinctive features of Shihodo Gallery’s artists, Neptune has chosen seven artists working with oil painting, mixed media, Japanese painting, and wood carving. The goal is to stimulate and collide with different perspectives and inspirations between the two sides. Serving as the starting point for visual dialogue, the exhibition evolves into a three-dimensional creation, providing an in-depth exploration of perspectives and viewpoints. Independent curator Fang Yanxiang will handle academic research and discourse. The opening and discussion session is scheduled for January 6, 2024, at 3:00 PM. Shihodo Gallery President Suzuki Yohei and Neptune Gallery Founder Hu Minyao will both attend to discuss the envisioned blueprint for contemporary Taiwanese and Japanese artists in this collaboration. The exhibition will run from December 30, 2023, to February 18, 2024, and we sincerely invite you to attend.
The theme of this joint exhibition is inspired by the intertwined and inseparable fate of Taiwanese and Japanese art. Looking back at the historical context, Taiwan’s profound cultural foundation during the Japanese colonial period, from the cultivation of artistic education to contemporary cultural influences in architecture, literature, painting, music, dance, design, and pop culture, has surpassed the boundaries between nations. Therefore, the theme “Migration” aligns with the collaboration with Shihodo Gallery, symbolizing the construction of stable channels in the survival path, much like the migration of species. It not only builds on Shihodo’s rich gallery culture and collection but also serves as a learning model for Nepton Gallery to establish a long-term corporate culture. Moreover, through the exchange process of the exhibition, the young creators at Neptune, full of energy, and Shihodo’s exhibiting artists will sharpen their skills together, ensuring a sustainable and enduring cycle of exchange.
The migration of biological instincts involves not only ecological trajectories but also the transfer and fusion of history and culture. The exhibition, titled “Migration,” reveals the intricate relationship between Taiwan and Japan, where the two regions have stacked profound connections in culture, history, politics, economics, and art. Among the artists exhibited by Neptune Gallery and Shihodo Gallery, each not only showcases their cultural essence but also represents the evolution of contemporary art. Through this joint exhibition, the goal is to trace the artistic context and explore future possibilities.