涅普頓畫廊很榮幸再次參展One Art Taipei 2025,此次展會將呈現台日當代藝術家的嶄新創作,匯聚豐沛的創作量能,在春日萬物盎然生機之時,以藝術共伴春神再臨。博覽會展期為1月10日(星期五)至1月12日(星期日),貴賓預展舉行於1月10日(星期五),我們誠摯邀請您的蒞臨。
朱詞權Victor CHU | 濱口真央Mao HAMAGUCHI | 顧洛水Rakusui KO | 許彤 Tonn HSU | 宮本香那Kana MIYAMOTO | 王勁之Chin Chih WANG | 吳逸萱Yi Shuan WU | 山本真澄Masumi YAMAMOTO | 八館ナナコNanaco YASHIRO | 洪瑞良Jui Liang HUNG | 官野良太Ryota KANNO | 小島久典Hisanori KOJIMA | 郭奕庭I Ting KUO | 佐藤菜緒 Nao SATO | 東條明子 Akiko TOJO | 蔡宜婷Yi Ting TSAI
ONE ART Taipei 2025 | 涅普頓畫廊 ROOM 1211
尊榮貴賓預展:2025.1.10 (FRI.) | 13:00-19:00
貴賓預展:2025.1.10 (FRI.) | 15:00-19:00
公眾開放:2025.1.11 (SAT.) – 1.12 (SUN.) | 11:00 – 19:00
展覽地點:JR東日本大飯店 台北 | 台北市中山區南京東路三段133號
Neptune Gallery is honored to participate once again in One Art Taipei 2025. This exhibition will showcase new works by contemporary artists from Taiwan and Japan, bringing together a wealth of creative energy. As spring breathes new life into the world, the exhibition will celebrate the return of the spirit of spring through art. The fair will be held from Friday, January 10 to Sunday, January 12, with a VIP preview on Friday, January 10. We sincerely invite you to join us.
ONE ART Taipei 2025 | Neptune Gallery ROOM 1211
SVIP Preview: 2025.1.10 (FRI.) | 13:00-19:00
VIP Preview: 2025.1.10 (FRI.) | 15:00-19:00
Public: 2025.1.11 (SAT.) – 1.12 (SUN.) | 11:00 – 19:00
Venue: Hotel Metropolitan Premier Taipei | No.133, Sec.3, Nanjing E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei