Concept & Members

Neptune為羅馬神話中的海神,統御大海,掌管1/3的宇宙。品牌意義取其對宇宙浩瀚無垠的影響力,以及海洋詭秘莫測含義,塑造出藝術表現介入空間的各種可能性。秉持著探索宇宙的精神; 發掘具有才能及潛力的藝術家; 持續籌辦當代藝術展覽,以連結國際間文化藝術交流。

Neptune is the god of the ocean in Roman mythology. He dominates the ocean and one-third of the universe. The meaning of the brand takes its influence on the vastness of the universe and the mysterious, unpredictable meaning of the ocean to build various possibilities for artistic expression in different spaces. We adhere to the spirit of exploring the universe, discovering talented and potential artists, organizing various contemporary art exhibitions, and enhancing international cultural and artistic exchanges.

CEO 胡閔堯 Miles Hu

1991 出生於台南

2013 台灣藝術大學美術學院雕塑系木雕專攻 畢業

2018 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科 雕刻碩士 畢業

1991 Born in Tainan, Taiwan

2013 Graduated from National Taiwan University of Arts, majoring in Wood Sculpture

2018 Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Fine Arts, Master of Sculpture

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